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Apply to be a Speaker

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  1. Choose a topic about which you feel passionate and confident or a research project that you have undertaken to hold a mini-symposium open to both students and the faculty. Due to the room reservations we have made ahead of time, there is only a limited number of dates from which you may choose. Refer to the application form for these specific dates. 

  2. Prepare a presentation that lasts about 20 minutes with pictures and slides. You are encouraged to consult a professor.

  3. Design discussion questions on your presentation. What do you want your audience to reflect upon after listening to your presentation and what opinions do you want to hear from them?

  4. Submit all presentation materials and conduct a mock presentation 1 week in advance to at least 2 members in the Symposium Review Committee (a second mock presentation may be required).

  5. Act and facilitate in the making of a 2-minute “trailer” preview of your symposium. Rather than using it purely for marketing purposes, we also hope to use it as quick summary of your major points so as to benefit students who can’t attend the actual event.

  6. Your symposium may be filmed, edited and posted on our channel.

Roles & Responsibilities

© 2014 by PAAS

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