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Apply to be a Dinner Host

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  1. Choose a topic you are passionate about and would love to read more to host a dinner on this topic at a restaurant.

  2. PAAS members may sign up for these dinners. PAAS does not fund these dinners at this stage. In addition, as a host, you have the privilege to invite 2 personal friends who are not in PAAS but interested in the topic or able to contribute to the discussion.

  3. After confirming the number of people and the date, pick a restaurant and make a dinner reservation.

  4. Send out invitations to your guests, with a short reading with pictures on the topic to prepare your guests for the discussion.

  5. Plan the seating arrangement and think about how you can engage everyone in the discussion as a host. â€‹

Roles & Responsibilities

© 2014 by PAAS

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